Top Ten Tuesday – My Fall TBR Pile

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the bookishly inclined team over at The Broke and the Bookish.

There are so many books I can’t wait to read. So.  Many. Books.

One of the challenges with being a Canadian librarian is that you so often have to exercise that patience you were supposed to have developed in primary school. So many books come out later in Canada than they do in the United States, which means you have to sit patiently pining while all your American blogger friends rave about their favourite new books. Such sadness!

I also rely on the public library to meet my bookish needs, which sometimes means adding my name to waitlists so long they make your eyes water.

Here are just a few books I can’t wait to get my hands on.

Soon, my pretties….soon.


The Liszts by Kyo Maclear

Leaping Lemmings! by John Biggs

Mighty Jack by Ben Hatke

Monsters Go Night-Night by Aaron Zenz

Bring Me a Rock by Daniel Miyares

Shy by Deborah Freedman

Hoot and Peep by Lita Judge

Before I Leave by Jennixa Bagley

The Secret Subway by Shana Corey

A Child of Books by  Oliver Jeffers and Sam Winston


So, what’s on your reading wish list this fall?

15 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – My Fall TBR Pile

  1. Hey it looks like you changed your font maybe on your title header? Looks nice! Mighty Jack looks fun (love the slingshot) and Monsters go Night-Night does too.


  2. These books all look so lovely! A Child of Books looks especially good – I’m in love with its description, so I’m sure the book will be great.


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